Wednesday 8 February 2012

Social Tennis Protocol

Social Tennis on Sunday and Wednesday has been very busy lately. At times we have had 5 courts running.
Welcome to all the Swallows and also Luigi who has returned after a break which I believe included a trans Siberian Train Journey from Moscow to Beijing!

The Committee would like to remind members that the blackboard system exists to help promote fair and transparent order of play.
This system is not perfect and relies on members to ensure that sequence of play is fair.

The basic rules are:
First come, first serve.
Preference is given to those who have been sitting out.
Names should be added to empty blocks in sequence, if there are two or more blocks running,the first block should be filled and played first.
Common sense and courtesy should prevail.

The committee has had various proposals to try and improve the blackboard system.
At the last committee meeting a proposal from Mare, which included a board and tokens was discussed. The shortcomings of the present system were discussed as well as the proposed system and the Committee concluded that the present system works well enough.

The Committee acknowledges that the present system can be abused if players wish to promote an arranged set by skipping blocks or ignoring waiting players. In the abscence of a Committee member being present, the system relies on self regulation and we draw attention to the basic premise of Social Tennis, which is to mix in and play with all members.