Monday 31 October 2011

Box League Finals approaching

From the organisers of the Box League, breaking News....

Ladies and Gentlemen,

 As I mentioned a number of local sponsors have donated some wonderful prizes.

 Mark and I met to discuss the various categories and in doing, as your organizers, we want to try to recognize success, endeavor and participation in the series.

The list of awards will be as follows: · 
 Top of Box 1 will receive the Icarus award ·  

 The Top Lady:  that is the lady who is the highest of all the boxes.

As you will see there are no ladies in Box 1 in November. 
Each player who tops all subsequent boxes. This could be 3 or 4 depending on the final structure of the November box league.
 In parallel to the box league, as you know, there is a points score, which is posted on the blog. It measures, in a way, the level of participation and is irrespective of your box participation. In other words some players are ranked high in this measure, yet play in the lower boxes.
There will be a prize for the lady and gentleman who has the most points according to this measure · 

 Finally there will be a lucky-dip draw for the remaining prizes. To qualify for the draw, you need to have played 2 out of the 4 months and not have been awarded any of the above prizes. In this way, there is a good chance for something. 

 So with those incentives, may I on behalf of Mark and I, wish you much fun in November as you strive for these awards.

 Rgds Roger

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of Mark and I, the results of the Box League as of today 31st October, are posted to the Box League Page. I would like to thank you all for playing almost all the scheduled matches.

On the basis of these results, I will prepare the November and final month box of this series.

·         Box 1. Tobie topped this box. Next month will be tougher as Barry will join the box and Ivor and Gus have a measure of the play. Glynis did well after her absence but now joins Box 2

·         Box 2. Barry topped this box. And by the skin of the rules, Mark stays in this box, joined by Roger, Gavin and Glynis. Mike will play in Box 3 in November

·         Box 3. Regrettably John has withdrawn from this box and this series of the box league due to injury. We wish a speedy recovery. The matches were very closely fought between the others, with Carol just missing victories by a few points

·         Box 4. Vanessa topped this box and deserves promotion. Never has so many watched the hours of her practice so to succeed. Well done. Suzanne did well despite a tragedy and Marianne seems to have withdrawn for the moment due to injury. We wish you speedy recovery

We are very fortunate that a number of local sponsors have donated some lovely prizes. I will send out tomorrow more details. But there is everything to play for, which will recognize the quality of play, the success and the participation by you.

Best wishes and please check the data and advise me if there are any errors.

Rgds Roger

Ps Prize ceremony 4th December at 12:00, most probably to be followed by a Braai
